06/05/24 - #00000004 - Well, I added all 6 of the themes I made. I also hid the theme changers, except on the theme change page, i'll make a button for the index tomorrow.
06/05/24 - #00000003 - I'm planning on revamping the themes the site uses. you can find a preview on the new page I added.
20/04/24 - #00000002 - Added some themes, you do need to change it at a specific page though, because HTML/JS hates me. you can find it at the bottom of the index page.
20/04/24 - #00000001 - Created this page, Reorganised the blog page, added some titles, added photos to index, finished 98 autoboot disk page which can be found in the blogs section, added one new page named "USB Flash Drive Label Sizes"